Rehabilitation program is an income generation program for the released prisoners difficult to reintegrate in a family and a society. Some prisoners cannot go to their houses due to hatred from the family members and society. They need shelter house before they start to earn income. Rehabilitation program provides ample opportunity to learn skills and method of earn money. They get chance to learn goat keeping, cow keeping and vegetable production. They earn money by selling the goats, milk and vegetables. They get revolving loan from the organization to start up the business when they are living in rehabilitation center. After few years, when they are able to start goat business, they will be reintegrated in their society.
The program is started in Chitwan farming area. Three released prisoners doing goat farming. There are 70 goats including 35 pregnant does caring through this program. Sita Ram Lama is the incharge of the program. Similarly, there are five cows. They are in milking stage. 14 liters milk per day selling in dairy and the total income per month from milk is NRs sixteen thousand.