The organization launched District Prison Coordinator program approach in 2006 AD to expand effectively and efficiency volunteer service in the different prisons of Nepal. District Prison Coordinator training organized in Kathmandu for the first time from 22 to 25 May 2006. There were 16 voluntee...
The organization provided winter clothes for 68 female prisoners of Central female prison of Kathmandu. Former CPP case worker Top Bahadur Mahatara provided winter clothes for 20 old age prisoners and 40 children of prisoners. Former CPP case worker Manoj Pulami provided winter clothes to the chi...
Awful Grace Namaste Eco Farm is an income generation program for the released prisoners difficult to reintegrate into a family and a society. Some prisoners cannot go to their houses due to hatred from the family members and society. They need shelter house before they start to earn income. The f...
Two Peace Loving Children homes are running through Victim Support and Rehabilitation Program. Peace Loving Children Home, Gothatar is established in 2009 AD. This Home covers grown-up boys. There are fourteen children in this Home. Similarly, Peace Loving Children Home, Pokhara is established in...